Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Redfish Express Amelia Island Charter Fishing

Amelia Island, Florida Is on fire with redfish and Trout. give me a call to book that special someone a trip for Christmas. 904-753-6379 WWW.REDFISHAMELIAISLAND.COM

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ashley McBryde - Girl Going Nowhere Ryman

Amelia Island Charter Fishing LLC Ole KY boy Snowshoe Boy with a heart! Support our Family anf Friends. Thank you, Jeff Crumpton

Monday, August 7, 2017

Amelia Island Charter Fishing LLC Capt. Jeff Crumpton

New 20ft. boat to fish 1-4 guest that draws only 4-5 inch draft to chase those shallow water redfish Yes!!  Well summer time is here on Amelia Island, Florida 32034 and the fishing is hot. Lots of flounder, redfish, sheepshead, and sea trout being caught. 904-753-6379

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's that time of year to go sight fish schooled up redfish! If you have ever wanted to do this type of fishing? Now through March is the time to book. Tight Lines and Screaming Drags. Jeff
It's that time of year for schooled up redfish. So if you have ever wanted to do this type of sight fishing give me a call to book a trip. 904-753-6379 or go to 
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Tight Lines and Screaming Drags, Jeff

Saturday, May 4, 2013

IFA Redfish Tour Jacksonville FL 6th place. 2013